Saturday, June 27, 2009

Religious Groups Convene in Health Care Reform Spectacle

Obama’s healthcare putsch has always been characterized by a total disconnect with reality. But none of the town hall meetings, staged press conferences and ABC infomercials could quite sum up the glib nature of Obama’s health care plan like the Interfaith Week of Prayer for Health Care.

An act of interdenominational public theater in Washington’s Freedom Plaza, the prayer week was kicked off on Wednesday with the participation of 40 religious groups, three Obama Administration officials and a few Congressmen, Slate reported.

The week was organized back in April by Ted Kennedy who apparently no longer cares about the separation of church and state or the fact that tax-exempt religious organizations aren’t legally allowed to campaign on political issues.

Totally disregarding the nation’s tax laws, these groups representing Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews and Buddhists met to pray for universal health care but still didn’t have a way to pay for it.

I suppose that just like religion, Obama’s health care plan isn’t based on attention to detail. We still don’t have a solid proposal for how to pay for health care reform and the Senate bill that did include such information was scrapped because the costs were astronomical.

I’d have a lot more respect for Obama if he and his party abandoned the smoke and mirrors and made an honest attempt at health care reform building from the details up. Instead, the Administration and their allies in Congress have pushed reform based on rhetoric with scant details on who will make the decisions and how it will be paid for.

The Interfaith Week of Prayer just highlights how ridiculous the health care debate has become.

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